Site Settings - Main Tab

Editing any of the the Site Settings does require "admin" privileges.  If you are unclear about the impact of these settings please discuss with Local Hospital Administration or contact SpecVet Support.    

Below is a listing of the various fields and their function.


Unique Site ID - this is a setting managed by SpecVet that controls system wide functions

Site ID - this is created when a new site is created, it should not be modified

Site Name - this is the long text portion of the hospital name

Site Name Abbrev 1 - an abbreviated site name, typically managed by SpecVet with new site set up

Site Name Abbrev 2  - an abbreviated site name, typically managed by SpecVet with new site set up

Site Name Short - an abbreviated site name, typically managed by SpecVet with new site set up

Site Letter Code - used to display the "letter prefix" on visit listings or dashboard

Site Address - street address of the hospital, printed on a variety of forms and reports

City, State and Zip -  address of the hospital, printed on a variety of forms and reports

Initial MRN ID's - this controls the option the MRN types that are added in visit reports

xray label - depreciated field, no longer used

Notes - an area to write specific notes about a site

Recent Clients - in visit and client search there is a predefined filter called "recent clients" this controls the number of days that are included in "look back"

Status - Set to active or inactive, typically set to active. 


# of days valid - the default value that prints based on todays date calculation

# Hours of Care - default value the prints on estimates for hours of care

Estimate Title  - default pick list of estimate titles

Prescriptions - Written Rxs:

Def # of Days for Active Rx - sets number of days that an Rx shows on patient active list if not set at a given bill code

Def # of Days a Rx is valid for - sets number of days printed on "Prescribed" medications

Prescriptions - Dispensed Rxs

Def # of Days for Dispensed Discard - sets number of days printed on table if not defined at a given bill code

Rx_DefBillCode - sets default bill code used when dispensing meds if not defined at a given bill code

Rx_DispFee - sets default Dispensing fee if not defined at a given bill code

Rx_MinPrice - sets default Min Price if not defined at a give bill code

Hours Editable for Rx - default number of hours that and Rx can be editable once dispensed.  Typically set to a few hours (1 -4 hours) Once time frame has lapsed, dispensed medications are not editable