FileMaker Server Guide
In this tutorial you will learn to…
Shut down the FileMaker Server properly
Run backups from within FileMaker Server
Learn where Database backups are kept on the server
How to find and explore the FileMaker Server event log
Shutting down the FileMaker Server Console
The following steps are recommended when performing a shutdown of the FileMaker Server for any reason:
Disconnect all users out of the active database files
Run a backup and confirm the backup is saved in the proper location
(this step may be optional, but is recommended)Shut down/restart the server.
Step #1 - Disconnecting all users out of the database & closing database files
After opening the FileMaker Server Console, click on the Clients option on the left side of the screen under the FileMaker Server Overview.
Recommend you send a message to all clients regarding the shutdown of the server. Select “Send Message to all Clients” from the drop-down menu and click ‘Perform Action’… it is suggested to give your clients fair warning of about 3-5 minutes from the time you wish to disconnect them to give them time to save and close their current work.
After sending your clients a warning message and waiting the allotted time given, choose the action “Disconnect all clients” from the drop-down menu and click ‘Perform Action’.
After clicking the ‘Perform Action’ button, a dialog box will appear prompting you with the option to send another message out to all clients (such as “SpecVet is now closing”) and you may also set a disconnect delay time from the Disconnect Client dialog box (2 minutes is the minimum).
You may refresh the Clients tab to see how many clients have yet to be disconnected.
Step #2 – Run a database backup from within FileMaker Server
To perform a database backup, click on the Schedules option on the left side of the screen under the FileMaker Server Overview.
In the list of schedules, find the option that most suits your needs. After choosing the appropriate backup, choose an action from the drop-down menu at the top of the Schedules tab view.
The option to choose for an immediate backup after you have selected your backup type is “Run a schedule now”.
Click the Perform Action button.
After a brief period of time, your databases should now be backed up.
If you wish to confirm, the FMS Backups typically can be found on this directory on your server.
The default directory for backups run through the FileMaker Server Console can be found on your server at…
C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Data\Backups
Or if you do not have a (x86) directory, it will be found in…
C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Data\Backups
Navigate this backup directory & ensure the backup you just ran was successfully saved before continuing on.
Step #3 – Close the Databases
Next, click the Databases tab.
Click Databases on the left side of your window.
Select the “Close All” option from the drop-down menu and click ‘Perform Action’.
Important: Ensure all databases are closed before moving on.
You may now click the ‘Stop Database Server’ icon located in the top left hand corner of the FileMaker Server Console (icon is a red circle with a square).
Step #4 – Restart your server and resume operations on databases
After you have successfully kicked all users out of the databases and performed a successful backup, you may now restart your server, or re-enable your FileMaker Server and database files, depending upon your specific needs.
To re-enable the FileMaker Server, open the Server Admin Console, enter your username and password and click on the ‘Start Database Server’ icon in the upper left-hand corner of the FileMaker Server Console (icon is a green circle with an arrow)...if it has not already restarted.
Click on the Databases tab and ensure that all databases are open.
If the databases do not open automatically, use the actions from the drop-down menu to resume the databases.
Choose ‘Open All’ or click on the database files you need to open and select “Open” from the drop-down menu. Click the ‘Perform Action’ button.
You may now tell your clients they are allowed to get back into SpecVet and resume their work.
Step #5 – Finding & Exploring the FileMaker Server Logs
If for any reason you need to explore FileMaker Server Log for monitoring, troubleshooting, or various other needs you will need to know where to find them.
FileMaker Server logs are found at the following path…
C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Logs
Or if you do not have a (x86) directory, it will be found in…
C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Logs