Managing Open Invoices
With Open Invoices in a VISIT, there are several administrative activities you can do from the INVOICE INFO tab within the Visit. To view that tab, click on the Invoice in question, and then select the INVOICE INFO button.
With Open Invoices in a VISIT, there are several administrative activities you can do from the INVOICE INFO tab within the Visit. To view that tab, click on the Invoice in question, and then select the INVOICE INFO button.
- Change the Invoiced CLIENT
- Add a Discount
- Set Invoice Terms
- Set the Invoice NOT to be included in Production (PPP Exempt)
- Set the Invoice to be exempt from Sales Tax
- Change the SITE of the Invoice
- Refresh the Invoice Balance
Selecting the Invoice Client is a way to change the responsible client of who is going to pay the invoice. Frequently this may be tied to the Visit Presenter, but not always.
When clicking on the items 2-5, you'll be presented with a new popup window that let's you make your changes.
![Invoice Discount, Terms, Tax & PPP](