Cubex/Pyxis Integration

Cubex and Pyxis Integration

SpecVet's Inventory Management System integrates your Cubex and Care Fusion's Pyxis products. SpecVet is the leading veterinary software package, having integrated these IMS devices over 5 years ago. We know more about the integration, workflow and execution of these types of systems than any other Veterinary Software company in the field today.

Select the patient ... remove the product ... charge is automatically added to invoice!


  • Demographic data automatically added when a patient is admitted
  • Demographic data automatically removed when a patient is discharged
  • Invoiced items are automatically added to the patients' visit invoice
  • Set rules for the default provider
  • Control who can and can not delete or modify Pyxis & Cubex billing
  • Invoiced items follow bill code rules for that item (commission rate, default provider, etc.)